We are seeing more signed artists breakthrough, but many promising new artists don’t know how or where to begin.

How to promote music 2021

Making great music must always be your main focus. This advice can be followed to the letter. But if your track or EP is not well-written, professional produced and tight instrumentally, it will fail.

Let’s now look at how to promote your music independently in today’s music landscape.

Watch our Unsigned Advice video, or continue reading to find out more.

Create a website and a mailing list

It is essential to create a professional website that serves as your base for online visibility. But, perhaps more important than this is the creation of a large and dedicated mailing list.

While your website should contain links to your music, bios and tour dates, it must also include a sign-up form for the mailing list. Email marketing gives you direct access to the email inboxes and contacts of those most likely interested in your music.

If a fan provides their email address, it is a sign that they are interested in hearing from you. A direct message to their inbox regarding your latest release or upcoming tour will be more effective than a post on social media, which the reach of a platform can limit.

Engage with your social media presence

It is not difficult to see the power of a solid social media marketing strategy. Maintaining a consistent, engaging, and interesting presence on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook is crucial. To make it easier for people to find you online, keep your profile handles consistent.

There is an endless amount of information available on managing your social media channels. And things change across every platform. These resources will help you make the most out of your social media presence.


You cannot afford to ignore streaming or playlisting. Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer playlists reach millions of people worldwide, reaching hundreds of millions of listeners. You can rack up thousands of streams by getting your track onto a well-known playlist. This can help you gain not only immense awareness but also royalties.

Although it’s great to have your music featured on curated playlists, algorithmic playlists such as Discover Weekly can make a difference in your stream count. It’s worth exploring all options.

Blog coverage and press coverage

These placements can build buzz and help you get the credibility to move up in your music career.

A professional PR executive can help you get excellent coverage. This is not always possible or affordable for new artists with limited budgets.

Artists with a small budget can opt for do-it-yourself PR. It’s crucial to approach journalists and bloggers in the right manner. First, create an electronic press release. It should include all information about you and your music. These resources offer guidance for musicians looking to manage their PR.

Video music

A music video that is original, exciting, and interesting can go viral online.

When creating videos for your new release, don’t be afraid of thinking outside the box. Consider the videos of Childish Gambino and OK GO that have gained traction online. They had something interesting and unique about them, regardless of whether it was an underlying message or a bizarre theme.

It is possible to create a simple music video or live performance-based visuals. This is fine. You can reap enormous rewards by investing time, effort and thought in your videos.

A strong team is essential to your success.

While you might prefer to promote your music alone, there are many benefits to having a team of people who share your passion. Your chances of success are higher if you have a group of passion for your music and all work in your best interest.

It’s great to have a group of friends that will help you for free or a portion of your eventual earnings. You will need the help of professionals to get the edge in the highly competitive music market. It doesn’t matter if you’re a PR professional, a radio promoter, or a promoter/booker.

A great manager is also an asset. Make sure that they are passionate about your music and believe in you as an artist. Managers who will go the extra mile for you are worth it.

Focus on your niche and get to know your audience

It can make a big difference in how your music is distributed. Many music subcultures thrive all over the globe. Some large and sprawling, others small and dedicated. Promoting your music niche is crucial.

Although it may sound obvious, this is a good idea for any metal band. You should play at metal venues and join a community to gain metal fans. If you are a rapper, look for rap venues and join rap communities to gain rap fans. You can go on and so forth.

However, niches don’t have to be defined by the music genre. Start local if your music is more popular. People want to see local artists succeed. This mentality is a great advantage. Grow your fan base locally before you expand nationally or globally.

Make an impact by playing live and often.

This is more difficult during the Covid-19 era. However, gigs and tours are a great way to meet fans. You’ll soon build a loyal fan base by getting booked at local venues and playing great sets for music fans. Remember, they must remember you.

Once you have a following in your area, you can go on the road to take on new music scenes, either city by city or country by country. This sounds easy and simple. Although it is exhausting to play gigs nightly, the rewards of putting on a great live show will be well worth it.

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