Suppose I look at some of the most innovative strategies emerging bands have used. In that case, I don’t think they include:

  • Constantly posting about their shows/music on social media.
  • Pushing their CD into my face while I walk past them at festivals.
  • Trying to make me listen to their music.

It’s the exact opposite.

Promoting your band is most effective when the audience feels a genuine and natural connection with the music. The effects are subtle and long-lasting, as they don’t feel sold to or pressured. This is almost always because your promotional strategies align with your brand.

How can you achieve the same result? You will have the most creative ideas if you use your personal experiences and create specific branding strategies. If you feel stuck, have a look at these ideas to promote your band. Let us know your favorite!

Make a scavenger hunting.

I want to start a band. This is a great idea for an album release or any other unique, special show, but it could also be used for a regular gig.

Here’s how it works. You can create different merch packs and ticket packages to be hidden around your city to anticipate your show. Then, you can give clues on social media to help people find them. You can use riddles, photos that aren’t obvious, or even obscure photos to give clues to your audience. It should be limited to 2 pairs of tickets and a few small merch packs with stickers and CDs. The scavenger hunt can be run for the week before the show, with a different pack hidden each day. After the winner finds their loot, they will be able to take a picture and share it on social media using a hashtag you created for the event. You should also share the photo! It’s a great way to try something new, build hype for an album/show, and engage your fans in a different way. Please do one in Boston!

Play a charity game

Find a cause that you believe in, and that is consistent with your brand messaging. A festival or charity event centred on the cause you care about is a great way to do this. It’s a great way to meet new people and share amazing content on social media.

Sponsor a conference

A few years back, while attending Launch Music Festival, I noticed that I was very thirsty. I had not brought water with me. Lucky for me, I was able to find tons of water bottles sitting on the tables. I expected to be able to quench my thirst and then move on with my life. It was cooler than I expected.

I reached for a bottle and noticed that the label normally identifying the company was missing. Instead, the label showed the name of the band (Glass Mansions), along with the set time.

I was stunned. We are all drinking this water, and rather than just enjoying it, we are seeing the name and set times of this band over and over. (Yes, I did catch their set. It was the most creative and innovative way I have ever seen a band promote their music.

Sometimes subtlety is the key. In this case, it was brilliant. You don’t need to sponsor water at festivals (although it’s a fantastic idea), but this is a great way for bands to be visible outside their shows. Think outside the box and get creative.

Collaborate with other bands

Collaboration with other bands is a great way to gain new fans and to shake up your audience. This would typically involve a split EP in which each band contributes (usually 2) 2 songs. It appeals to both bands’ existing fan bases while also finding new listeners. But it could also include hopping onto an existing show or honing your music skills. Imagine that you are a skilled graphic designer. It might be possible to offer your services as a designer for an emerging band’s album art. You may even get paid. This can help you meet new people and build relationships in the industry.

Make your brand special.

As we mentioned, being hyper-specific about your values, ideals, and messages is one of the best ways to promote your brand. This involves brainstorming ideas that are all about your brand and creating a strategy based on them. You could create custom merchandise that speaks to your brand, personal show experiences, or any other product that shows your fans who you are and what you stand for.


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