Happy Halloween (almost! We’re celebrating Halloween with a list of scary-good marketing strategies that you can try. These are just marketing tricks that you can try, but they will be fun for Halloween.

These music marketing tips will help you if you are tired of the same old, tired methods or don’t know where you should start.

Assemble with other artists

I love partnering with other artists, working together, and learning from each other. Partnering with other artists is one way I believe we can accomplish so much more together than separately.

Start by identifying artists within your community (or outside) that you admire, and then brainstorm ways to partner up. It’s better to have some solid ideas than just a quick “hey, wanna go something together?” This is a surefire way to quickly end the conversation.

For the best results, brainstorm ideas that are brand- and band-specific to you. If you feel stuck, here are some ideas:

  • This is the classic, but always in style, pairing for a split EP.
  • A joint show is when you are on the same bill and put on a show together, especially for an important event such as an album release party or themed night. (More on that later).
  • You both enjoy a monthly playlist, but not just from your town, of local bands.
  • Contest/Paid merch bundle/contest

Each of these opportunities is great for you to reach new audiences and do something different. It’s always more fun to work with someone.

Partner with other brands

Similar to the previous point, why not partner with other brands? You can partner with local brands, but you can also consider internet-based brands perfect for your brand/aesthetic.

The best ideas are the ones you and your partner have in common, but here are some suggestions to get you started.

  • In exchange for a small percentage, you can partner with a clothing startup company to receive shirts/hats/etc. Free of charge. You wear the shirts on stage, in press photos, or on social media.
  • You can partner with local coffee shops to create a weekly playlist.

Create a mailing list

Although it might not be very original, this one is still a common one for artists. It’s becoming harder than ever to grab the attention of your audience in the age of algorithms. You can rest assured that your mailing list will be delivered to the inboxes of your most loyal followers. Keep it fun, be real and stay connected with your followers. Newsletters that connect are more effective than those that sell. Consider sharing short personal blog posts in your newsletters–anything that gives personalized insight into your thoughts is most likely going to be a hit.

Support a cause

You can take your passion for sustainability, the environment, women’s issues, or any other cause to the next level if you already have a band. You can either participate in an existing local event (posting about it on social media and offering content) or start your own.

You have two options: organize a peaceful protest or march, or you can keep it small and donate proceeds from a special merchandise bundle to your favorite charity.

Renting a booth at an event is a great way to test your creativity. You can make cookies, brownies and other baked goods, take pictures, and share them with the world. Put a sign at your table stating that any money earned will go to X cause. This is a great way to get involved in your community and raise awareness for a cause that you believe in. You also get unique content for your social media channels. It’s also fun and delicious!

You can go on scavenger hunting.

Although I know this is a common sentiment, I want to form a band to accomplish this. I’ve never seen a band organize scavenger hunting. I don’t understand why, but I think it’s the most original idea and sounds like a lot of fun for all involved. It is time-consuming. Probably. You will need to have a strong local fan base for this to be successful. Definitely. What could be more entertaining for your fans than daily clues as to where to find puzzle pieces, prizes such as show tickets, exclusive merchandise, or tickets to enter a drawing to win the ultimate fan experience? Whatever you choose. This has been done by tons of companies, but bands often neglect it.

Do this, and then let me know to participate.

Radio stations around the country can partner with you.

You can take advantage of a local college or indie radio stations to see if they can get you in for an interview or performance before an important show. You will be successful if you have a good following and some buzz in your area. This is a great way for you to expand your reach and get more involved in the community.

You can put on a themed show.

A themed show is another favorite of mine. Many shows are boring. Every aspect of your show, from stage presence to setlist to the atmosphere in the room, should be planned and executed carefully. No matter how many people are in the room, every show must be flawless.

Although it is unrealistic to expect you to put on a huge show every single time, I believe having a themed show for special occasions (album release, hometown show, tour stop), or just for fun every few months, is something that should be done.

If you don’t have any other ideas, take advantage of Halloween to rent a fog maker and invite patrons to dress up to receive a discount, free candy from a pumpkin bowl at the merch table, and be dressed up in a theme when they take to the stage.

Christmas is a wonderful time to string lights and offer small gifts (AKA presents) to the first 25 attendees.

You want every show to be memorable. But every once in a while, make it unforgettable. The best thing is experience.

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