Imagine yourself as a young independent musician looking to explore the world of the music business. Although you have a miserable day job, it is necessary to pay rent. You want to be a full-time musician and quit your day job soon. But first, you have to build momentum. Now you have a few songs that you have produced in your bedroom and are ready for streaming. You have $50 to spend on the digital Distribution of those five songs.

Are you ready to start your career with hundreds of dollars?

You can’t catch your dreams if you go broke trying. Select Distribution is the smartest, most affordable way to get your music onto the largest streaming platforms around the globe. To get on hundreds of streaming platforms, apps and stores, the Old Way requires that you spend at least $10 per track and $50 per album. This is a great deal for established artists with thousands of followers. He is certain he will make his money back within a few months. The up-and-coming woman, however, needs to be more careful with her money. Do you want to do quick math?

  • Let’s look at the average streaming service payout: $0.00586 per song.
  • You’ll pay $10 per song per year if you distribute The Old Way
  • You’ll need 1,706 songs to break even

Select Distribution is only $1 per song per year. This means that you will only need 170 streams to break even for the whole year. Wait, there’s more !!!!! There’s less, and that’s a great thing. The Old Way will argue that the extra $9 will be worth it, as your song will appear on every app in all of the known universe. “Wow! “Wow!

Is it worth it??

Math time!

  • The top 3 streaming platforms generate nearly 75% of global streams (Spotify. Apple. Amazon).
  • The top six streaming platforms account for approximately 95% of streaming revenue (,, Google. YouTube. Deezer. Rhapsody.

You ask me, independent artist not yet rich, what is the least viewed 5% worth to you in streaming services? Is it $9 per year? You don’t need to pay extra for unknown platforms if you only want the best for your music.

Money is like gasoline on a road trip. “You don’t want your trip to end in gas, but you’re certainly not going on a tour of stations.” – Tim O’Reilly of O’Reilly Media.

You have the opportunity to make the most of every dollar you spend on your music. Select Distribution is accountant-approved and musician-designed. Start smart.

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