Scientifically, music has been shown to affect the brain profoundly. Recent research has shown that music can positively affect the brain in many areas, including memory, stress relief, pain relief, and even brain injuries. Elena Mannes, an author of The Power of Music, states that “scientists have discovered that music stimulates more brain functions than any other human function.” Let us now examine how music can help stimulate and heal the human brain.

Pain Reduction

“Music is healing in its own right. It is a powerful expression of humanity. It is something that touches us all. Music is something that everyone loves, regardless of where they come from.” –Billy Joel

In a 2014 study, it was found that music is beneficial for patients who have fibromyalgia. According to the study, patients with fibromyalgia can listen to relaxing music. This is because it triggers opioids, the body’s natural pain relief. A 2013 study found that people given Naltrexone, an opioid blocking drug, felt less pleasure when listening to their favourite songs. This suggests that music triggers the release of pain-relieving opioids.

Stress Relief

Relaxing music can help you reduce stress, depending on what type of music it is.

A 2013 study demonstrates that music can reduce stress in pediatric emergency department patients. According to the American Psychological Association, 42 children aged 3-11 years old participated in the study. They found that patients who listened while they had an IV inserted experienced significantly less pain and more distress than those who didn’t listen to music.


Since the beginning of the 20th century, studies linking music and memory recall have grown in number. Certain music can instantly take you back in time decades. We previously published a blog post titled “Studies prove music boosts brain activity in Alzheimer’s patients.” This blog highlighted the documentary Alive Inside, which showed how music could awaken memory-loss patients. Oliver Sacks, a Neurologist, stated that music evokes emotion and brings back memories. Music can bring back the joy of living when no other thing can.

In 2014, 89 dementia patients were enrolled in a study where caregivers and patients were randomly assigned to either a 10-week music coaching group or a singing coaching group. Results showed that singing and listening to music improved mood, orientation and remote episodic memories, and, in a smaller way, attention, executive function, and general cognition compared to regular care. Music listening was positive for the quality of life, while short-term and working memory were also improved.

Seizure, Brain Injury, or Stroke

According to some reports, epilepsy patients’ brains respond differently than those without the condition. “Epilepsy patients synchronize before a seizure.” According to Christine Charyton from The Ohio State University Wexner medical centre, patients with epilepsy could synchronize to the music without experiencing seizures. Charlton explained that stress could cause seizures and said that many patients felt more relaxed listening to music.

According to a 2008 study, stroke patients who listened in the first stages of recovery after a stroke experienced a better recovery rate. Teppo Sarkamo, the study’s author, suggested that stroke patients listen to music as soon as possible after a stroke. Many changes take place during the first weeks or months of recovery. Sarkari stated that verbal memory was 60 per cent better three months after strokes.

A music-based treatment, Melodic Intonation Therapy, was created in 1973 to aid stroke survivors and people with aphasia. The therapy converts singing into speech. Research and Hope say that even though these patients can’t speak, they can often sing, sometimes with the same clarity and fluency as before.

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