My Kalimba is a joy to play. It’s a simple instrument to learn, and it has calming melodic sounds that I enjoy. You’ve found the right place if you are looking to buy your own Kalimba. We are here to help you find the right Kalimba for you. But before we get started, here are some things to remember.

What is a Kalimba?

Kalimba, also known by the African Thumb Piano, or Mbira, is a simple percussion instrument. It uses metal tines attached to a sounding board to create a soothing sound and rhythmic tones.

Kalimbas are made by hand and can contain 5 keys up to 21 keys. There are so many choices available today that it is difficult to pick the best Kalimba. There are some things you need to consider before buying one.

Important Points to Remember

How many keys are there on the Kalimba?

The best place to begin is determining how many keys your Kalimba should have. Many Kalimbas available on the market today have 17 keys. They are also set to a particular tone/key (Standard tuning, Key C). It is important to remember that the more keys/tines on the Kalimba, the more chords it can play.

More chords mean you have more songs to choose from and more freedom t to experiment t with your thumb piano. The Kalimba will get larger if it has more keys. We recommend choosing a kalimba with fewer keys if size and portability are important to you.

Are they close-spaced or widely spaced?

Many people don’t consider the spacing between keys/tines of the Kalimba. You might find it difficult to play on a kalimba with smaller fingers if you are like me. This is particularly important if you have a particular style of plucking. When playing a thumb piano, precision is crucial. Make sure you consider the spacing that would be most comfortable for your fingers.

When buying a Kalimba, your playstyle should be considered. A kalimba with close keys may be the best choice if you have to strum on several keys simultaneously to perform the songs.

Kalimbas with more spaced keys usually have a hollow body with a soundhole, while kalimbas with the close spacing of tines are usually pure wooden.

There are other things to consider

Are you a solid wood or hollow body?

 With pure wooden kalimbas, you’ll find that the keys are more close together, and the sound is less full. These are ideal for players who plan on “strum” multiple keys at once, creating chords while playing.

Hollow Body Kalimbas will often have a soundhole that enhances the instrument’s volume. Keys/tines have a greater spacing than their pure wood counterparts. These keys are ideal for players who plan to play complex songs. You will be more precise when playing with more spaced apart keys. This allows you to make fewer mistakes.

Stickers and Engraved Numbers

This is something to consider if you need extra help and keep your Kalimba aesthetic clean. It is very useful to find out which chord each key/tine has on your Kalimba. These stickers are similar to piano beginners’ ones to label their keys. The same thing can be done with kalimbas. Be aware that you have options that include the chord names engraved on each key.

I recommend Kalimbas with the chord numbers engraved. They are more attractive and require less maintenance. While stickers are great, it can be frustrating to see them start to peel as you use your Kalimba. You’ll love kalimbas’ professional, clean look with engraved melody names.

Tuning Your Kalimba

Kalimbas are tuned to a particular key. Most often, they are tuned to C. However, you can tune your thumb piano using a tuning tool. You will receive a tuning hammer with your kalimba purchase. 

Last Thoughts

Here’s our list of the top kalimbas. It’s not difficult to find the right thumb piano for your needs. It is easy to determine what you need from your thumb piano early on. We hope that we can help you find the perfect Kalimba for you.

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