What’s Clubhouse?

Let us tell you if you don’t know.

” Clubhouse” joins Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as another platform that allows users to share, connect and participate in online communities. “Clubhouse” wants to change things by offering a unique perspective on social media.

The Clubhouse is different from other services in that it uses voice chat to communicate with users. Users can collaborate and debate in “rooms” or “clubs.” Clubhouse’s user interface allows you to have organised discussions with all the speakers in a given room or club.

The Clubhouse has seen a huge rise in popularity over the past year. The catalyst was the global Coronavirus pandemic which forced people to move into their homes and onto the internet.

Music is a popular topic in clubs and clubrooms. Many musicians and professionals in the music industry have begun using the app to share and collaborate online.

The Clubhouse has 6 million registered users, an increase of 600,000, in December 2020. The Clubhouse is quickly growing as a social networking platform. Music Industry Inside Out interviewed two Clubhouse early adopters who are professionals in the Australian communications and music industries. We are looking for advice to help our readers try something different.

Why are people drawn to this app?

The Clubhouse was attracted to me initially by the calibre and quality of the speakers. I found myself engaging in the rooms within minutes of downloading the app. I was also surprised to discover that the amazing content didn’t come from people I knew. Clubhouse’s beauty, especially in its early days, is the ability to connect with people and places. At the same time, you browse the hallway (the clubhouse version of a “feed”), which allows you to find industry experts and listeners. Everyone has something to say, regardless of their online following or any other restrictions imposed by social media.

How can new users of Clubhouse optimise their experience for networking/professional development and make sure they are seeing content that is relevant to their field/interests?

Follow more than one person or any club. Follow people whose interests align with yours. To find people with similar interests, you can check out their followers to see if they have any. You can join clubs similar to your interests and follow other members of those clubs. Your bio should reflect what you are passionate about and what you want to learn more about.


Clubhouse, another tool you have at your disposal for networking and promoting professional projects, is just like other social media platforms. It has its style and rules of communication. Juanita and Jai’s expert advice is still valid. The best way to learn how Clubhouse can work for you is by getting involved and providing some value first. The clubhouse is a valuable tool for musicians and other professionals in the music industry to grow their online audience beyond your local area.

The app will be a major social media platform or fade into the background. However, it is worth the effort to get started with Clubhouse.

Top Tips

Follow people who are in your niche. 

Look at their friends and the accounts they follow.

  • Create a strong bioYour first three lines should sum up your purpose in using Clubhouse. This will allow people to decide whether to follow you/join your group easily. You can include your name, address, and professional credentials to help other users understand your perspective.
  • Have something you can offer – This is the most common advice from other Clubhouse members. Give people a reason to follow you if you want them to.


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