Why not sell your Music on vinyl?

Do you need more convincing?

These are the top reasons vinyl is a great way to get your album out there:

People aren’t buying cDs anymore.

The US had seen a drop in CD album sales of 97 per cent from 2000 when they reached their peak. They are now at their lowest point since 1986. It means that CDs are dead.

Why sell CDs if people don’t like them anymore?

You must sell physical items.

You can’t let your viewers stream, especially since streaming is so low-cost. It’s important that your fans can take something with them to their show. Although Music on USB flash drives is becoming more popular, it is not very appealing. Nobody wants to have a bunch of flash drives in their living rooms.

Vinyl pressing is so simple.

Small-run vinyl printing can be done for as low as 100 units. Technology and vinyl mastering have made it possible for vinyl to sound great even though your files may be digital.

You don’t have to go to the pressing plant as you did in the 60s. Now you can send everything and keep track of everything from your home. You can even have the vinyl shipped directly to your fans.

Vinyl is more impressive than digital.

The vinyl format is more valuable than CDs. Vinyl is not something you can throw away because it contains Music. It is a piece of art.

You have more than just a record to listen to.

It’s not surprising that vinyl is so popular, not digital files.

Vinyl legitimizes you

Every year, thousands of musicians release their first album. You will be different from other musicians trying to make it in the music industry. Not just on iTunes but also on vinyl

Vinyl gives the impression that you are not an amateur. You’re willing and able to put in the time necessary to make an album good enough for vinyl. That’s not possible for everyone.

Vinyl doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money.

To be able to press vinyl, you needed to have money. It would be best if you also marketed the vinyl, besides pressing a minimum quantity.

The internet allows us to pre-sell vinyl or order on-demand in 50-piece quantities. A good master is all you need. It makes sense also to release an album that you have released a while back and consider a hit. This way, there is no chance that you will lose money.

Vinyl can be used to make people speak.

Music is Music, but good Music is Music. If you release good vinyl records, people won’t just talk about how great your Music is; they will talk about the beautiful vinyl records.

This means that you will attract more than just your fans and vinyl and art enthusiasts.

These people will share information about your vinyl via social media. They will post photos and videos of your vinyl records spinning on Instagram and Facebook. They cannot do the same with your music stream. They can take a picture of your cover art, but it’s nothing compared to vinyl.

Vinyl is amazing.

We could go on and forth about all the practical reasons you should put your album on vinyl. Vinyl is amazing. That’s the only thing that can convince you. It’s a fact that almost everyone knows, and we all know it.

You’ll be in the same class as the greats if you press vinyl. You’ll be proud of what you make. I guarantee that you will be proud to have your vinyl record ten years down the line.


You should press Music on vinyl if you are a musician or artist.

There is too much digital Music. They are available anywhere and anytime. Vinyl? It’s special. It’s timeless.


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