Now is the perfect time to claim your Apple Music page and get verified.

Apple Music for Artists accounts allows you to see your music’s performance and stats to track where it is being played & playlisted.

Before you can log in to Apple Music for Artists, you must release your music to Apple Music. Claim your artist page and verify your identity.

How to claim your Apple Music artist Page

Apple Music for Artists can only be accessed if your music has been uploaded to the platform or if Apple Music has accepted it. You’ll find out this when you receive your Pre Save SmartLink.

How to sign up for Apple Music for Artists

1. Go to

2. Follow the prompts to sign up and request artist access.

3. Paste the Link to your iTunes Store artist into the box.

4. Complete the verification process by selecting your artist name.

How to locate your iTunes Store artist Link:

1. You can search for your artist name and go to your profile as an artist on iTunes.

2. Click on the three dots to the right of the screen.

3. Select Share Artist and then Copy Link.

If you don’t yet have an iTunes profile, but you have uploaded your first Ditto release and received your Pre Save SmartLink, you may email support@dittomusic for your iTunes Store Artist link.

How to change the profile picture of an Apple Music artist

After logging into your Apple Music for Artists account, you can edit your artist profile picture by clicking the “Manage” tab.

Click ‘Upload Image’ to choose your profile picture. It may take up to 48 hours before it is approved.

Apple could reject your profile picture of an artist if it doesn’t meet their guidelines.

Upload high-resolution images only with no text, logos, or explicit content. You can upload a simple, hi-res headshot.

What is the Apple Music for Artists process?

Apple Music for Artists lets you track all kinds of stats and trends about your music’s performance. Let’s take a look at some stats that you can view.


The overview tab lets you view the most important statistics about your music across Apple Music or iTunes. This includes total plays, average monthly listeners and song purchases.

Here you will also get notifications about Insights specific to your account. These include streaming milestones and location-based achievements.


You can drill down into your music’s data by visiting the Trends section in your Apple Music for Artists Account.

The drop-down menus allow you to filter your streams by songs, playlists or locations.


Apple Music’s Places data allows you to see how many people listen, download and Shazaming your music in certain regions.


Use your Trends & Places data to adapt your promo strategies. If you notice that you are getting a lot of streams from France, you might increase your marketing budget for the country.

Your Music

To analyze individual tracks or releases, go to the Your Music section. You can also find radio spins in this tab.

Radio Spins are when a user listens to Apple Music and plays your song for more than 30 seconds. Apple Music radio stations can be created by a user choosing a song or artist to create a custom radio station or an Apple Music curated station.

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