Musicians are carriers of influence. Our music and the messages that we transmit through it have a powerful impact on our listeners. This is especially true for adolescents and youth, who are still very open to the world around them. My two five-year-old cousins and their eight-year-old cousins were driving when “Get Lucky” from Daft Punk played on the radio. Both of them began singing the entire song at their highest lungs. When Katy Perry sang during Super Bowl’s halftime show, almost all of the lyric was sung by the children. This put me to shame as I don’t know all the lyrics and want to be a pop singer. It was shocking how deeply youth are affected by the music they listen to and how much they pay attention to the music around them.

Music is something I truly love and care about. The people who grew up listening to and responding to music have a deep emotional connection. When I was in middle school, the music that I listened to shaped so much of who I was. Professional musicians can all identify with music as a key agent shaping our lives. It’s almost our unspoken responsibility to make music that is heard by the next generation and has a positive impact on society. If we better understand the impact our art has on society, we’ll be better musicians.

Cultural impact

Popular music today reflects our culture. The lyrics and sounds of a particular generation can be seen as a reflection of the culture of that time. Chain smoker’s #SELFIE song is a recent example. It is a very accurate commentary on today’s media and youth culture. Culture is constantly changing in our age. This is reflected in the rapid evolution and birth of new styles of music. It wasn’t always this way.

In ” Influential beats: The Cultural Impact on Music,” Selwyn Duke writes that “there were times and places — as in the Europe of Middle Ages for example — when music might remain largely unchanged for hundreds of years.” It is not a coincidence that culture remained unchanged in medieval times. My observations are clear: Music changes closely follow society’s consensus worldview changes. This is why music tastes change so fast today. Without a cultural stabilizer, like the Catholic Church’s medieval influence, and the ability to communicate ideas globally at the touch of a button via modern media, society is susceptible to constant arbitrary change.”

Also, music and culture flow together. Children today will find it boring what their parents once loved. What we consider cool today will likely be obsolete in a few years. It is not a criticism of music. It’s just an example, a reflection of the constantly changing world. We need to be aware of the culture we live in today, but we also need to be conscious of the cultures we want to cultivate and create with our music.

Moral impact

Merriam-Webster defines Morality as “beliefs regarding right and wrong behavior.” You can do a quick Google search to see the negative effects music has on morals, particularly in hip-hop and rap music. Many songs glorify violence, drugs and sex in every style of music. Although research cannot prove that these songs cause or induce this behavior, many people and researchers agree that it encourages it.

Because there are so many factors that go into building a moral compass, I think morals and behavior are not solely determined by what lyrics are being listened to. Music can play an important role in determining right and wrong, good or bad, okay or not, good or poor. We need to be careful about what messages we send with our songs. But let’s take it one step further. What if we made positive songs and proclaimed hope, joy, victory over weaknesses, love, courage, and love? This would allow us to influence the minds and hearts of the next generation.

Emotional impact

This is the most obvious and direct effect music has on society. It makes us feel certain ways. Music can set moods and create atmospheres. We are so emotionally influenced by how we feel. We put on upbeat music while working out, listen to jazz with a date, and get up and dance to the beat of a four-on-the-floor beat. I know what songs I should play when I get up in the morning to keep me focused and prepared for my day. Now Powerful.

Music can change moods, shift atmospheres, and encourage different behaviors. The average American listens to up to four hours of music every day! Imagine how music can affect our emotions, regardless of whether we are aware. When it comes to emotional impact, the most important thing is to think about: How do I feel, and what do I want my listeners to feel? Because your feelings will determine how they feel. This is a significant weight.

Music can influence society culturally, morally and emotionally. The more we are intentional about the messages, sounds, and moods that we release through music, the greater our ability to make positive changes. Music is a worthwhile profession that can change the world because of the power and influence we have as musicians and artists.

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