Music has been an integral part of the community since prehistoric times. It is known that humans created art around 50,000 years ago in the form of cave paintings and jewelry. They also started to bury their deceased at this time ceremonially. These types of planned activities suggest that music also emerged. Indeed, findings from the 1 paleolithic archaeological sites show that prehistoric people used many tools to make musical instruments. This suggests that music was important to early communities.

It would have sound, not the more modern concept of music created in these prehistoric societies. Animal bones would have been blasted together, and horns blow to make sounds create sounds. These sounds could be used to alert of danger, call people together, and mark important events in the lives of the community. As human cognition improved and instruments became more sophisticated, these primitive sounds would have become more easily recognizable.

The History of Music and Community

Music, which is pre-lingual, is one of the earliest forms of communication. This is why it was integral to positive community relations. Anthropologists have shown that cultures with strong musical traditions thrived, while other cultures without one struggled to survive 2.

Music can elicit strong emotions and raise awareness. Strong emotions are associated with evolution 3 (reproduction, survival), which is why societies with a musical culture have had a better chance to thrive. The music coordinates people’s emotions, helps to communicate important messages, and motivates them to support others in their community 4.

Music is essential for human social development.

Music plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of the community. However, it also significantly impacts individual social development, particularly in the early years. According to David Francis, The Performing Rights Society, music stimulates infants and fetuses in such a manner as to promote their wellbeing’ 5. Modern music can be traced back to the early interactions between mother, child and father, known as motherese. Motherese occurs when parents with child-caring responsibilities, particularly mothers, communicate their intentions and meanings to their babies via vocal-gestural communication.

Motherese’s function is to strengthen the bond between baby and parent and help the infant learn the language. Motherese can be found in all cultures, despite differences in languages. These early interactions between mother-child have an ‘essentially musical quality’ 6. Singing, playing or listening to music can instill strong feelings of well-being in an individual, even though it may only be subconsciously. It reminds us of our childhood and our connection with others. Music is essential for our personal and social growth, even as adults.

As opposed to listening to it, music-making is a great way to develop social skills. It’s also fun and requires different skills than most people use every day. Making music can be a relaxing activity to help relieve stress and anxiety. Increasingly, playing music can improve your mental and physical health 7.

Studies from 2001 have shown that individuals with improved mental and physical health are more likely to be able to integrate into the social world 8. Because people feel more confident, positive, and relaxed when they feel connected to their community, this strengthens the community overall because each community member can contribute their unique skills and talents to the whole community.

Music has two benefits. It improves an individual’s social development by increasing their sense of well-being and connectedness. However, it also increases that person’s ability to integrate into their community. This results in a stronger community.

What is a Modern Community?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a community as “a group of people who live in the same area or have a common characteristic 9”. This suggests that community, although broad, emphasizes the joining together of diverse groups. Perhaps because they have common interests and social ties, share the same geographic location or setting, or because they share similar perspectives. Therefore, modern communities would include people of various ages, abilities, and cultures. It cannot be easy to cater to such diverse groups.

Music and the Modern Community: The Benefits

Music is not subject to the same difficulties as other groups in modern communities. This is because music is not verbal and doesn’t discriminate against age, culture, or ability. Percussion Play’s outdoor musical instruments can be integral to community integration and cross-cultural engagement.

Music community engagement has many benefits. Music is a powerful medium. This can be seen in the fact that there have been attempts to control or suppress its use in some societies. Music can create and reflect social conditions. It can also facilitate or hinder social change. Community music therapy is now a context-driven and ethical practice 10. It has been necessary to develop theories to explain how music can be used intentionally to increase connectedness 11. As Professor Gary Andsell 12 (2014) explains,

“Community music therapy is one way to promote the many benefits of community membership.”

Krivo 13 and others have pointed out that we live in an era of increasing social isolation and anxiety for all ages and backgrounds. Music therapy is one of the most effective ways to encourage participation and reduce anxiety.

We all have experienced the power and feeling of community music. Music can communicate meanings without the need for words. Music promotes individual, group, cultural, and national identity development and preservation. Today’s global community can create new online communities, share music and even cross borders using the internet.

Benefits of Outdoor Musical Instruments in the Community

Music is something that anyone can create. Playing musical instruments can bring people together, regardless of their ability, income, or social class. Percussion Play’s musical parks and outdoor musical instruments can significantly positively impact the community at a low cost. Because there is no need to have any musical skills or training to play the instruments or enjoy the outdoors, musical parks are great for everyone. Many of Percussion Play’s instruments can be used by those with disabilities or in wheelchairs.

Outdoor musical instruments can be used in communal areas to address a real community need. They can help ‘help create pride in a community, helping to transform it into somewhere people want live and feel safe and connected’ 14.

Participation in music can also bring additional benefits to the community. There is also an economic benefit. Percussion Play has created outdoor musical parks that can bring more people to the area and help with regeneration. Often, local authorities do not provide funding for music or the arts because they are not compatible with their mainstream policies. Outdoor musical instrument parks are a great way for people to access music that they may not otherwise be able to. It is also a cost-saving option for local services because it reduces loneliness and social exclusion.

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