YouTube has more than 2.6 billion active monthly users. This is equivalent to one-quarter of the entire world’s population.

The bottom line: Video is wildly popular. If you are a YouTube video content creator, then it makes sense for you to monetize the content.

No worries if you need help figuring out where to begin. We’ll walk you through YouTube’s features for monetization and advise you on how to use them effectively.

What is YouTube monetization

It’s a way to make money from your YouTube videos.

To give you a feel for whether forging an income from YouTube is possible, 394,000 Americans in 2021 earned money as YouTube creators.

Many people make money by creating video content, including everything from travel and cooking to makeup and fashion. There’s no reason you can’t do it too!

Let’s see how much YouTube creators earn. This is not an exact science, and only some become rich. Below are a few examples of people who are not celebrities but have made a lot of money.

Mr. Beast, AKA Jimmy Donaldson. has generated 23.6 billion views and 136 million subscribers since 2012. He has earned $54 million.

Smosh. This group of slapstick comics has been on YouTube since 2005. The group has earned more than 11 million with iconic music videos and video game parodies. They also have more than 24 million subscribers.

In celeb land, there is Justin Beiber. With 71.7 million subscribers, it has generated 29.8 billion hits since 2007. His net worth (on YouTube) is $ 36.2 million.

Then, let’s get back to Earth:

The average YouTuber makes between 2 and 12 dollars per 1,000 views.

Creators get 55% of ad revenues generated by their channel. If an advertiser spends $100, you will receive $55.

First Steps

It would help if you had the following before you can make money from your YouTube videos:

Subscribe to YouTube and get 1,000 subscribers.

Minimum of 4,000 hours viewing in the past 12 months OR ten million views valid for public shorts within the last 90 Days

You can increase your number by publishing quality content and promoting your channel.

You can also rely on alternative YouTube monetization methods, like affiliate marketing, finding sponsorships, or asking for donations from your loyal fans (read more about these methods below).

After you meet the requirements above, you may apply to the Partner Program for YouTube (YPP). You can use this program to create a watch page and short feed ads. It also allows you to create memberships.

To increase your chances of success, you will need:

Accept to adhere to YouTube’s monetization policy and guidelines.

Live in a country that offers the Partner Program.

No active YouTube Community Guidelines strikes against your channel

You have set up an AdSense account linked to your YouTube channel.

YouTube may reject your application if you have applied to its Partner Program. It will explain why and you can try again in 30 days.

Some of your videos may need to comply with YouTube’s guidelines. You can then delete the content or repurpose it to meet these requirements.

Tip: Ensure you are familiar with the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) so you do not violate copyright laws. Upload only videos that you have created/or are authorized to use.

How to make money from your videos

Let’s look at some ways to monetize YouTube videos.

You don’t need to meet YTPP requirements to use many of the methods listed below.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing occurs when a business compensates a third party (usually through a commission when the sale is made) to promote its products/services. This is generally done via a unique URL.

You can share affiliate links with your YouTube viewers in the description of your videos and discuss products that you are passionate about.

You’ll find a wide variety of affiliate programs to suit your needs. Most affiliate programs pay between 5 and 50% commission. It’s well worth looking around for the best program.

Here’s an example of Amazon Associates – Amazon’s affiliate program.

The fact that 68% of YouTube users watched YouTube before purchasing something is an excellent example of how affiliate marketing works with this platform.

You can paste your affiliate link into the description of your video and tell viewers where to find it.

Here are some video types that can help boost affiliate sales.

Roundups: Examples include the five best eyeshadow pallets for 2023.

Trending Videos: Keep a close eye on YouTube and TikTok Trends. Jump on board if your affiliate products complement them!

Product Reviews: Around 90 percent of people purchase products after reading a review. So why not evaluate the pros and cons of a product that you are an affiliate?

Sponsorships are paid

When a brand pays for you to mention/use its products/services within your content, that is referred to as a paid sponsorship.

Sponsorships can be highly lucrative if you have a large following. Brands may approach you in these cases to collaborate. Please include your contact information on your channel’s page to make it easier for brands to reach you.

If you are not yet at this point, then you will need to start pitching. Refer to your analytics when approaching brands to show you:

Viewer Numbers

What content is the most popular?

Subscriber Numbers

Etc. It would help if you showed potential sponsors they could benefit from partnering with you.

As a rule, the amount of money you can earn through paid sponsorships will vary. However, as a guideline, you should expect to receive:

For 50,000 to 100,000 channel subscribers, you can get a video for $500 up to $1,000.

Video subscriptions between 100,000 and 500,000 subscribers can cost $1,000 to $3,000.

Video subscriptions of 500,000+ subscribers can range from $3,000 to $5,000 per video.

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