Most likely, you’ve encountered AI-generated art while browsing social media recently. With assistive artwork generators becoming more sophisticated and readily accessible, musicians can now use the ability to create stunning artwork designs.

In assisting you in creating unique layouts for EPs or releases. AI tools can be used to kickstart your creative ideas with only the right words to get the ball going.

Making use of AI to design album artwork

The 2023 music industry will have a wealth of tools to help them create stunning artwork more than ever before. Thanks to AI software for production and AI music writing generators giving musicians aid, AI can also help develop concepts for your newest tracks and add the appearance of a futuristic brand.

With a steady stream of AI software for recording being released, We’ve compiled the top 10 compelling artists you could utilize to create your album cover.

AI art instruments for musicians


Its DALL.E 2 system quickly creates real-looking images and artwork using any description of natural language required. It is ideal for creating complicated and attractive artwork.


NightCafe Creator turns your written prompts into brand-new images with a cutting-edge machine-learning process. You’ll get a free daily credit limit when you sign-up to NightCafe to play around with the program and play with its capabilities.


Shutterstock has joined OpenAI’s DALLE technology to offer AI-generated artwork to a broader market. It is the first AI image maker to reward creators for their role in this AI process.


Fotor is a no-cost photo editor that lets you experiment with essential tools for editing images. You can also play with the various special tools, such as AI effects for photos, HDR, and RGB, exclusive to Fotor.


Starryai can be described as an AI art generator application that turns your words into art masterpieces. An excellent choice for AI novices, Starryai is free to download on iOS and Android platforms. can be described as an image-generating program that can generate the image you want based on instructions in the text. It was created by feeding AI images and their captions gathered from the internet and allowing the AI to determine what it is supposed to “illustrate” based on the instructions spoken.

Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is an AI art generator that transforms simple text inputs into images. Each image created is exclusive, and there are no duplicates. Deep Dream Generator gives you three different art-making modes and numerous advanced control tools to refine your idea.

Runway ML

RunwayML can be described as a tool designed to allow artists to utilize machine-learning tools efficiently without coding knowledge for media that range from audio and video to text. On RunwayML, users can build and publish pre-trained machine-learning models to applications such as creating photorealistic images or captions for ideas.

Jasper Art

Jasper Art allows you to make images based on any description you type in. Utilize as much or as small of a detail as possible to make a fresh design for your album’s cover. Jasper AI also offers songwriting help, so make sure you also use its writing tool.

Dream by WOMBO is a tech startup dedicated to delivering happiness through user-centric AI experiences. Create stunning artwork with only a few clicks and let the AI take over.

AI has divided the music industry thanks to its cutting-edge technology that is taking away some of the creativity that goes into being an artist.

The AI art generators we’ve listed below can help you with your design process, offering different designs than you initially thought of – and providing you and the group members more options to pick album artwork that people will enjoy.

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