The Ukulele and the Guitar are two similar string instruments. They share many similarities, including their design, playing styles and even the fretboard system. These instruments may look similar, but they have many differences. We’re here today to talk about the differences.

This is especially true for first-time or new musicians looking to pick up an instrument. The guitar and Ukulele can be fun to learn, making them great starting points for establishing a foundation in musicality.

These Instruments Have Many Similarities


The instruments are identical in design.

Both are fretted instruments with wooden necks and flat frets. These frets can be used to change the pitch of the sound.

Styles for Playing

Both instruments use the same fretboard system. They have strings suspended above the neck and separated by metal bars called the frets. To generate notes, you press your fingers down on the frets. A combination of frets with open strings creates chords.


Chords can be played on the Ukulele much more easily than the guitar. Because ukuleles are nylon strings, you won’t need to worry about complicated finger placements. Your fingers will also not take as much abuse.

Having two additional strings on the guitar gives the guitarist more options for chords. The Ukulele, on the other hand, makes it easier for players to learn the chords and allows them to practice more easily.


When comparing guitars and ukuleles, strumming patterns can be very similar. It is important to remember the use of picks. You can use picks with ukuleles, but it is more common to use your fingers. You will see more guitarists using picks to play metal strings, which are harder on your hands.

It is much easier to strum a ukulele using just your fingers than with a guitar. (Nylon Strings Vs. Metal Strings).

The Difference between Ukuleles and Guitars


Guitars are larger than ukuleles when compared. The size differences between these instruments can affect volume and tone. This can make it easier or more difficult to use the instrument. The learning curve for the guitar is steeper than that of the Ukulele. One reason is its size.

Smaller hands may find it harder to play the guitar. This can make it difficult for people with smaller hands to learn to play these instruments.


Ukuleles are more expensive than guitars. Although ukuleles can be more expensive than guitars, most ukes will be less expensive. Although guitars tend to be more expensive than ukuleles, that doesn’t mean they are of less quality.


The tone of these instruments is the most important factor in sound. This is due to the type of wood used, the size of the instrument’s body, and how it was made. Keep in mind that the tone of any guitar, Ukulele or other instruments will be different in many ways.


You will notice a difference in the tone of a guitar’s strings when you stride them. This is due to the guitar’s larger body. This allows the guitar to have a wider pitch range.


On the other hand, Ukuleles have a lovely gentle sound and are quieter than guitars. The Ukulele’s smaller body and lower strings tension make it soften and more mellow.

Classical nylon strings guitars have a similar sound to a ukulele but with extra volume and bass.

Scale Length

The scale length is the distance between the saddle and the nut on a guitar or Ukulele. It’s the instrument area where the string vibrates, creating sound.

The Ukulele’s scale is between 25-50% (depending upon the model of the Ukulele), which is shorter than that of a guitar. Ukulele frets are also shorter, so players won’t need to reach as far for chord formations.


While concert ukuleles use GC-E-A, baritone ukuleles use D-GB-E as their standard tuning. The standard tuning is from the lowest to the highest string. 

String Tension

The measurement of the tightness or looseness in the strings of an acoustic instrument. Ukulele string tension ranges from 7 to 13 lbs per strand, while guitar string tension can vary from 24 to 35 lbs per strand.

Guitars have a string tension that is approximately 3 times the Ukuleles. However, they are more difficult to play. Instruments with lower tension are more difficult to play, but they are also less loud.

Which Should You Play? Things to consider


The price is an important consideration before you buy any instrument. Although you can find affordable guitars, ukuleles are usually more expensive. While both are available in high-end models, it is easier to find a good-quality ukulele that is affordable for the average person.

If price is a major factor in your decision, I recommend ukuleles. It’s very easy to find reasonably priced beginner ukulele packages. There are also guitar bundles, but be prepared to pay more.


The guitar will be more versatile than the Ukulele. That’s a fact. A guitar gives you more space to play, allowing you to use a wider variety of chords and intervals. Ukuleles are smaller and easier to use, but they have less range.

The guitar is a great choice if you are looking for an instrument with a steeper learning curve but with more options to choose from.

New/First Time Musicians

The Ukulele is the most beginner-friendly instrument. However, the guitar offers more musical possibilities as you improve your skills. My personal experience with the Ukulele was in elementary school. I then started learning guitar after a few years. Because my hands were familiar with the playing style, I found it easy to transition from Ukulele to the guitar.

You can always learn another instrument later. You will be more motivated to learn the instrument you like more, and you’ll feel more inspired to play it. You will be putting a lot of effort into your musical foundation as a beginner musician.

The Difficulty of the Instrument

The learning curve for the guitar is steeper than that of the Ukulele, as we have discussed throughout the article. When choosing an instrument to learn, this is something to consider. Don’t let it discourage you if you find yourself drawn to the guitar. You will improve, just like everything else in life.

The Ukulele is an excellent choice if you don’t have the time or desire to learn a new instrument. You can learn them quickly and even play your favorite songs. Ukuleles make learning music much easier for beginners.

Baritone Ukulele (Closest in Comparison to the Guitar).

The largest ukuleles are the baritone ukuleles. It’s also very similar to the guitar, making it a great option for people who don’t want to choose between the two.

These ukuleles can also be tuned just like the top four strings on a guitar (D–G–B–E), making transitions between the two easier. However, keep in mind that it won’t sound the same as a guitar and that your options are limited because you don’t have the bottom two strings of a guitar.

Is it possible to learn one while learning the other?

As I mentioned above, I found that switching from the Ukulele to a guitar was much easier because I was familiar with the instrument. It can also be reversed. Although guitars and ukuleles have some similarities, building a foundation for the next instrument is possible.

These instruments will be second nature to your hands, and you’ll soon find yourself comfortable with them. I have found myself playing both, depending on what type of sound/tone is desired.

Last Thoughts

Many musicians struggle to decide between the Ukulele and guitar when learning an instrument. If you are having trouble choosing between the two, I hope that I can help you. You don’t need to learn just one instrument. If you want to, you can plan to learn both. Focusing on one instrument first will allow you to improve your musical skills without burning out.

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