A full-time degree that is 3 years in length will allow you to develop musically and personally without the pressure of a job. You don’t want to be a part of the current music industry. It is crucial to find the right course. You must research thoroughly and make informed decisions. Here are 12 things to keep in mind when searching for a Commercial Music Degree.

Do your research!

All applications for University courses go through the University Colleges Admissions Service. Click www.ucas.com, click “Undergraduate”, and search for Commercial Music. The University websites can be accessed by clicking on the links.

Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Choose the University that’s right for you, your goals and aspirations. Don’t follow peer pressure or go to a university because a friend is. You must choose the right University and location for your studies.

View the course content

What are the course modules? These are the subjects you will be studying. Take a look at the course structure to see if there are many subjects. Are the subjects relevant to employment? Are they too general and vague? What does it mean for a musician to have a successful career in today’s music industry?


Look out for glossy, professionally shot websites and prospectuses. You have to think about how often you can access facilities. Is it possible to book open access after hours? Is it possible to use all of the equipment? Are there additional fees for rehearsals and studio time? What information do they need? Are they eligible for endorsement deals? What equipment are they available? When was the last time it was renewed? What industry standard is this?

Portfolio Careers

You must understand that a career as a musician will require you to do many different things. . . . This list could go on. It is important to get a degree in commercial music that covers all aspects of the industry. This is why Commercial Music degrees are more appealing than other degrees, such as music business or performance.

Other possibilities

It is worth checking to see if the University has any other opportunities. Platform One College of Music, Isle of Wight, offers a degree that includes playing at the Isle of Wight Festival and a European Tour Module.

Contact time

Discuss with prospective university options the actual face-to-face contact time. How many weeks are you receiving each week? Don’t let too much student-directed study leave you to your own devices.


Investing in a degree should eventually lead to relevant and meaningful employment. It would help if you asked about graduates’ careers after completing your degree. What is the relationship between the course and actual employment opportunities within the modern music industry?

Human Resources

What are the core members of your staff? How many years of experience do they have? What are their experiences? How often do they see you? Ensure that you don’t believe the lengthy list of top-hitting names on the prospectus or website. These names are often not in the prospectus or website.

One-to-1 sessions

Are you able to access tutorials and support sessions regularly with core staff? How often are these available? Are they rare? Are they possible?

What kind of personal support can you expect?

While University students have their good times, it is not uncommon to encounter some obstacles. Research and ask about the welfare support available to you. How does it look? What is the best way to access it?

What can students do after completing their degree?

Don’t be deceived by the few success stories on the website or prospectus. It is important to understand that a degree can lead to a successful career. Many universities will keep a list of alumni that show what their graduates did after they finished their studies. Ask for it.

These are some thoughts to consider when thinking about a Commercial Music degree. Contact Platform One if you have any questions. We are happy to talk about careers in the music business and possible routes. Get in touch!

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