Google will decide how your panel is displayed. You will need to employ SEO (search engine optimization) techniques to ensure that Google can access all information.

It is important to remember that this is not an exact science and that getting a Knowledge Panel depends on your reputation within the music industry. Let’s look at the steps you can follow to increase your chances of success.

Register for your Google account

You can tell Google directly through your Google accounts to ensure that Google knows you. These are just a few of the many ways you can do this. While they won’t guarantee a panel for you, they’re a good starting point.

Login to your Google account, or create a brand new one

It’s pretty self-explanatory.

Once you have logged into Google, you will need to continue logging in to that account to complete the next steps.

Create and edit a Google Brand Account

You are letting Google know that you exist and that your band/musician is by creating a Google Brand Account. Although you don’t need to interact with your account immediately after it’s set up, there are some things you should do.

Manage and edit your brand account to include all information about you and your music. This includes links to your website and social media profiles.

Google evaluates the quality, quantity and legitimacy of the information in your Google Brand account when deciding whether to grant access to a knowledge panel. Ensure to provide as much information as possible and make your account public so Google can easily view and access it.

Connect your brand account with YouTube

Importantly, make sure you link your YouTube channel to your Google brand account. This will ensure that all information on your YouTube channel is linked with your Google brand account and not your personal Google account.

This is how you do it…

  1. Register for YouTube.
  2. Go to your channel listing
  3. Click the button to ‘create a new channel.’
  4. Complete the following details to create a Brand Account and verify it.

Listen to your favourite music on YouTube Music.

Uploading your music on YouTube Music is a good idea, regardless of whether your primary goal is to obtain a Knowledge Panel. Although there is no evidence that your tracks should be uploaded to YouTube Music, it’s a good idea. This will only increase your chances.

Get music on YouTube by Ditto Music if you don’t have it already.

Importantly, make sure you link your YouTube channel to your Google brand account. This will ensure that all information on your YouTube channel is linked with your Google brand account and not your personal Google account.

This is how you do it…

  1. Register to your YouTube account
  2. Go to your channel listing.
  3. Click the button to ‘create a new channel’
  4. Complete the following details to create a Brand Account and verify it.
  5. Click to ‘create. This will create your Brand Account.

Register your site with Google Search Console

Google strongly recommends connecting your band website with your Brand Account using the Google Search Console tool.

This is a formal verification that you are the owner of your website. Google will recognize this official connection.

This is also a great advantage down the road because once you have been recognized as the authentic representative of your brand, you can suggest future changes to your knowledge panel to Google.

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