What is unique artwork?

Copyright is a complex subject, and artists who commission artwork are often surprised to learn that even though a graphic designer has signed over all rights to the image, they still have the legal title to your album art.

The exclusive art license is granted to the buyer [buyer], allowing them to sell the IP [artwork] without the consent of any other person except the licensor (seller, artist).

It is important to promote and release your music with the assurance that your artwork can be used commercially.

Did You Know?

Vampire Weekend’s second studio album, “Contra”, was released in 2010. The album cover art contained a copyright violation. Vampire Weekend reached a non-judgmental settlement, paying Anne Kirsten Kennis an undisclosed amount and countersuing Tod Brody on the validity of the copyright.

Find artwork that speaks to your soul.

Art tells a story, just like music. Don’t settle until your art connects with your project. This speaks to you and your work. This speaks volumes about you.

Art, like music, is subjective. While your connection to it may be different from someone else’s, at its core, it is connected. Album artwork can help to reinforce the overall concept and contextualize the emotion or message of your song(s)/project. Album Art Exchange is a site wholly devoted to high-quality images of album covers, making it a great resource for anyone interested in album art. This asset can be used to your advantage.

The perfect image captures the essence of your music. You can create art that is more than just stock footage. It’s artwork that you own, which will be different from others. Your music deserves a unique creative stamp.

Did You Know?

Never mind, Nirvana’s second studio album, 1991, was released. You recognize the iconic album artwork, but how did it come about?

Robert Fisher, Geffen Records’ art director, said that Nirvana’s lead singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain saw a documentary about babies born underwater and thought the image would make for a cool cover.

This vision was too graphic, so we chose to go with the swimming child instead.” Fans have taken this image as a metaphor for Nirvana, a band still learning the ropes from corporate rock’s big money. Cobain added the fishhook after production.

Use your art to promote your music.

Promoting your release gives you more opportunities to engage and talk with people. Your artwork should be more than a thumbnail on your Spotify account. It should be treated as a promotion for your release, your tour art or a way to sell merchandise.

If the artist from whom you have licensed the artwork has a story to tell, this should be included in your press release/social copy. This will give you a deeper understanding of why you chose to license the art. Use your art as additional content!

What is kollect?

kollect showcases emerging and popular artists who create incredible artwork for musicians like you. Artists can browse, buy, license, and design their unique artwork for their next release.

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