Live streaming is a great promotional tool for any artist. It allows you to communicate with fans and showcase new material while saving money.

It doesn’t matter if you’re streaming live on Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or YouTube broadcasts. It is important to do it right. Let’s look at some tools and approaches that musicians can use to get the best out of live streaming.

Live streaming for musicians

Make sure you have the right tools.

Although you could live-stream your broadcast using only your phone and an internet connection, if your goal is to make your streams more professional, it’s smart to invest in new equipment.

External microphone

Although your smartphone may have an advanced HD camera, most smartphones are not capable of recording high-quality audio. Investing in a great smartphone-compatible external microphone is a great way to overcome this issue.

There are many external microphones available for Android and iPhone. Take a look at this list to see some of the best. You want it to be lightweight, forward-facing, and capable of recording the highest quality audio.

External Lens

While an external lens is unnecessary for live streaming, it can provide great options for close-ups, fisheye shots and focus. These are the top lenses available right now.


A tripod is a cheaper option than just propping your phone on a shelf. A tripod gives you more options for capturing the perfect angle and is usually much less expensive.


Maybe your broadcast location has plenty of natural light or a spotlight that brightens the space. You can save your eyesight by investing in studio lighting.

Now it’s time for you to plan your broadcasts.

Where can I live stream?


Even though Instagram Live can be fleeting, it can greatly impact reaching your fans.

All of your Instagram followers will be notified when you go live. This is a great way to bring in viewers quickly, but you must promote your live stream before the time.

You can download live streams with a plugin such as this and then upload them to IGTV.


Like Instagram, Facebook Live broadcasts will immediately notify your followers. It’s a smart idea to create a Facebook Live broadcast and invite your friends in advance.


YouTube is a great platform for live streaming to your fans. But there’s one problem. At least 1,000 YouTube subscribers are required.

Choose the location

Live broadcasts by musicians are usually either live performances or Q&A sessions. However, they don’t have to be so predictable.

Live performances/rehearsals.

It’s fine to do a live performance on Instagram or Facebook Live. But why not make it more interesting. You could stream a live practice session or cover request broadcast.

Artist Q&As

Q&As are the same. Be original and do something new to engage your fans interestingly and uniquely. Your fans are the best people you know, so respond to what they want and mention commenters’ names. Promoting an album or single launch is a great way to reach people via social media.


Do you have a favorite riff or melody that your fans love? Live streaming could be used to teach your fans how you play your music, whether it’s a drum workshop, guitar tutorial, or piano session.

Listening parties

Live streaming your demos and old material is a great way to share your music with your fans. You can then discuss the track with your fans, get feedback, and decide what is working.

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