In recent years, so many musicians have released vinyl albums that you might question whether it is a good idea for you to do the same thing.

It would help if you released a vinyl pressing yesterday. It’s almost criminal not to remove a vinyl pressing such as unifiedMFG vinyl printing.

Why sell vinyl music

Want more convincing?

There are many reasons to release your vinyl album today.

No one buys CDs anymore. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, CD album sales have fallen by 97 percent in the United States since their peak in 2000. They are now at their lowest levels since 1986. It means that CDs are no longer relevant.

Why sell CDs if people don’t buy them anymore?

It would help if you sold something tangible

You can’t let your fans stream, especially since streaming is a low-profit business. It would help if you offered them something tangible they could take away after your show. It’s becoming more common to have music on USB flash drives, but is it that appealing? Nobody wants to have a bunch of flash drives in the living room.

Fans are on a vinyl kick. If you are going on tour, you need to have something unique on your merchandise table.

Vinyl pressing has always been challenging

You can get a small-run vinyl press for as little as 100 units today. With the help of technology and vinyl mastering, you can make your digital files sound great on Vinyl.

You can send and monitor all the information without leaving your home. The Vinyl can be shipped directly to your fans.

Vinyl is better than digital

Vinyl has an inherent value, unlike CDs. Vinyl is not something you can throw away because it contains music. It’s also a work of art.

The vinyl cover is as important as the Vinyl itself.

It’s no surprise that Vinyl is more popular than digital files.

Vinyl legitimizes you

Each year, thousands of musicians release their first albums. By removing your music, you will stand out from those just starting their indie music careers. Not just on iTunes but also on Vinyl!

Vinyl is a great way to show that you are not an amateur. You’re willing to invest the time necessary to create an album good enough for Vinyl. Only some people can do that.

Vinyl is not expensive to make

In the past, pressing Vinyl required a lot of money. It would help if you also sold them, in addition to the higher number of units.

We can easily order Vinyl on demand in 50-piece chunks since we now have internet. You only need to invest in a high-quality master. It’s also a good idea to release an old album that you think is a success. You can be sure that you won’t lose money.

Vinyl can cause people to talk

If you have an excellent vinyl record, people will talk about the awesomeness of your music and your Vinyl.

You’ll attract not only your fans but also Vinyl and art enthusiasts.

They will share photos and videos of your vinyl record on their Facebook and Instagram. They’ll post pictures and videos of your vinyl record playing on Instagram and Facebook. Your music stream is different. They can share a screenshot with your cover art, but it’s different from Vinyl.

Vinyl is awesome

Let’s talk about all the reasons you should release your vinyl album. Vinyl is the only thing you need to hear to be convinced. We all know that Vinyl is fantastic.

You’ll be on the same level as the best if you use Vinyl. You’ll be proud of your vinyl record. Your vinyl record will make you proud of your music and yourself in ten years.


You should press Vinyl for your benefit and that of your fans if you are a musician, artist, or creative person.

There needs to be more digital music. You can download them whenever and wherever you want. What about Vinyl? It’s special. It’s special.

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