From the outside, a career in the music business can appear exciting and glamorous. The music industry is full of exciting opportunities, whether attending industry events and parties, performing with global stars, or working alongside them.

The music industry is more than just meeting your idols or going on stadium tours. It can take hard work, persistence, and flexibility to break into the music industry.

There are many jobs available in the music industry for 2023, whether you’re interested in working as a musician or with other artists.

Music Industry Jobs

Performing yourself might be the most obvious way to start a music career. The digital revolution has created a lot of new opportunities for musicians. Now, there are more career opportunities in music than ever before.

Music jobs: Types

Music Creation

Are you a musician or singer? Are you more interested in what goes on behind the scenes, such as a song’s production or writing stages? There are many options for a music career that revolves around creating music.

Independent artists have more chances than ever before to be heard.

There are many job opportunities for those who prefer production. It’s crucial to gain as much experience in your chosen area as possible.

Music Marketing

Social media has created a new field of music careers that didn’t exist a few years ago. Social media offers a new channel to promote music and opens the door for aspiring music professionals to take on digital marketing jobs.

Influencer marketing has grown in popularity over the last decade.

Music also offers a wide range of traditional marketing positions. It can be helpful to have some experience in the music industry and a business or marketing qualification to stand out from other applicants.

Record label jobs

Record labels offer a wide range of job options for music industry professionals. Most titles are divided into departments, such as marketing, artist relations, A&R, and operations.

Many labels offer internships, which can help you decide if this is your desired career. They also give you the first step on the ladder to get you started.


Some of the more prominent labels and music companies offer Artist Management. The management industry provides hands-on experience. It requires excellent relationship management skills and being highly organized and adaptability. Becoming a band manager is an ideal route to the music industry.

You’ll be able to work with artists and be in a fascinating role within the industry. If you are interested in this, it’s worth searching for management internships or entry-level positions.

Music journalism

Music photographers and journalists are the backbone of the live music industry. They inform us about the artists we should watch and those we shouldn’t. A career in music photography offers many exciting opportunities.

Freelance journalists can use social media to build their portfolios of articles and reviews, which will help them to land a job based on their blog.

You can earn a living and attend many concerts with these in-field jobs.

It’s crucial for those just getting started to be on the lookout for local opportunities in music magazines, blogs, and websites.

Live Events

Live music is back in full force! After two devastating years, concerts and festivals return to our cities and towns. With them, the jobs ensure they run smoothly.

Live events can involve a variety of jobs, including:

Event Manager/Assistant

Stage technician

Lighting or sound engineer

Booking agent

Tour Manager

This is only a tiny sample of all the jobs available in the music industry. However, it should help you understand what is out there and inspire you to find the right music job.

How to find a music job

You’ll want to start looking for a job once you decide which direction to take in the music industry.


It is optional to enroll in a course related to music to be offered a job. However, you may find it beneficial to do so to prepare yourself for your future duties—research courses to see if they are right for you.

Focusing on your music career is essential, even if you don’t take any music courses. You can gain as much experience by attending networking events and reading industry news.

If you study marketing at university, using music industry case studies as part of your assignments might be a great idea. In interviews, you can use this information to highlight your passion for the music industry.

Whatever path you choose, gaining the necessary qualifications and experience is essential. This can be done through an internship or a music degree.

Organize yourself

Subscribe to job and music sites. You can still read job descriptions even if you don’t see any listings you are interested in. This will give you a better understanding of the required experience and the types of applicants that companies seek.

You will find it much easier to apply for jobs if you have an updated portfolio and CV. You will save time and be able to focus on writing a comprehensive cover letter, which is required by many music jobs.

Remember to mention why you are interested in the job and wish to work in the music industry. Your application can be boosted by adding a little extra detail.


Who you know is more important than what you know. This is true in some cases but not all.

Working in music requires good networking.

Attending networking events like Ditto X is a great way to meet influential and like-minded people. These events are geared toward building networks and often feature talks on how to break into industry.

TIP You never know what conversations will open doors. So, speak to as many people as possible during music industry events.

Online networking through social media is just as important as in-person networking. You’ll need to ensure that you are professional in your online profiles. Employers will consider this when making their decisions. Reddit, Discord, and other channels offer excellent discussion platforms for professionals.

Remember always to be truthful when you are networking. You’ll want to market your skills and knowledge but do not oversell or overpromise. Being honest and trustworthy to yourself will go a long way in the music industry.

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