You must write a great press release if you want your music covered by the media and blogs.

What should you include, link to, and write in your press release so that you have the best chance of being picked up by bloggers and journalists? Here’s how to create the perfect press releases to get your music noticed in 2023.

You should be aware of a few things before we begin. It’s not easy to do your PR. Experienced music pr executives are in high demand for many reasons.

What is the primary reason? Contacts

Over the years or even decades in the industry, the best PR professionals will have built strong relationships with tastemakers and influencers. It takes patience, dedication, and time to become a reliable source of new music.

If you do not have the budget for a professional, then DIY PR is a good alternative. If your music is good, it’s unlikely that you won’t be picked up.

Let’s talk about how to create a press release that bloggers will not be able to resist. Unsigned Advice has a short video that explains how to get your song posted on blogs.

Check out our template for a music press release at the end of this article.

How to write music press releases

Easy for the recipient

The point that I am going to make is dominated by this.

Music blogs receive up to 100 emails and press releases per day.

You need to be able to quickly get to the main point. Make sure that all the essential information is easily readable, identifiable, and accessible with just a few clicks.

Some music bloggers will copy and paste your press release without contacting you if they are interested. So keep this in mind when you write yours.

Grab their attention by using the subject line

A subject line that is exciting, interesting, and irresistible can make the difference between an email being opened or ignored.

The awesome band releasing a new single, in general, is not an interesting subject line. You can make your subject line more interesting by changing the pitch.

Are you going on tour? Are you supporting a famous band? Is your song a reflection on a topic that is important to you? Have you created an engaging music video? Has anyone acclaimed you as a producer or artist? Make sure your subject line is memorable to capture the recipient’s attention.

Do not send attachments

It’s risky to download attachments from people you don’t know. In many cases, an email will be deleted if there are any attached files.

Instead of attaching your press release, copy it into the body and include links to tracks on popular streaming platforms (Soundcloud, YouTube, Bandcamp, Spotify).

Do not attach an MP3 if your music hasn’t been released yet. Create a private Soundcloud or unlisted YouTube link so you can share your music with a small group of people before the release date.

Selecting’Private’in the Basic Info section of the track uploader will create a Soundcloud private link. The orange padlock signifies that the track is private.

Include links to social media, your website, and press images

Make it simple for the person who receives your press release. Did I say that?

Include links to your website, social media accounts, and press images. Bloggers won’t have to waste time looking for you to tag in their posts or to find a good picture of you to use as their featured image. Set up a Dropbox link or a Google Drive link that contains all your assets, including pictures, logos, and an extended artist bio.

Add your personal touch

It’s not a rule that applies to all emails, but adding a short, personal note to your email above the press release, can be a great way to build rapport with the recipient. You don’t have to write an essay. Just a brief hello. Include their name and their blog title to show that you are aware of the person you are emailing.

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