When I started journalism in 2009, I used to check my PO Box every week and leave the post office with a bag full of press kits that labels, managers, and independent artists sent me, hoping I would feature them on my blog. I would tear open the envelopes and take out the photos, bios, and press releases.

The press release told me almost everything I needed about the band and what they were promoting. In the press release, they would discuss who they are, what makes them special, and what message they want to convey. The press release contained everything I wanted to know in a concise 4-5-paragraph sheet.

The press release has been largely unchanged over the years, even though the physical press kit has gone. It’s a simple piece of writing, but it is one of the most misunderstood in the industry. You name it: blurred photos, unclear titles, music links that are no longer active, and press releases with confusing titles.

I thought that with the focus on TikTok, Spotify, and other social media platforms, simple things such as press releases, which might seem dull on the surface but are crucial for booking shows, getting publicity, working with festivals, or anything else, were being totally overlooked.

Let’s fix that. We’ll help you create a captivating and irresistible release that will grab the media’s interest and promote your music. Here are five steps that will help you create a great press release.

Know your angle

A good press release will have a strong angle. This angle will never be simply that there is new music available; you need to dig deeper to find details that make the release resonate. This means looking beyond the music to find a deeper meaning.

Did this song come from a particular moment or experience? During the recording, did something unusual occur? Was there a specific inspiration for the lyrics or album artwork?

Every song has its unique angle. Ask your friends or people who don’t know the music as well to share what they thought was special about the song or process or the story of your band.

You may have to dig a little to find the right angle, but you will want to use every song to create an irresistible press release.

Select a picture that will tell you the story.

A good photo is the first step in a successful press release. It’s what people see first. You should hire a photographer who can take strong press photos and an artist to create your artwork. It’s not the place to cut corners, as people are so visual. The photo will have an impact.

You can use either your artwork or press photos, depending on the topic of your release. Photos with people are more appealing to the public (not all art is this way). Choose a photo that best represents your press release.

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Skip the fluff

Sometimes, I read press releases or bios that tell me everything about the band. Past members are included, and it’s all irrelevant. Don’t be that band. Press releases are meant to tell a simple story. It should be short and to the point and not complex and long.

Staying on track and focused will help you create a release that’s easy to read, and your reader will feel compelled to finish it. It’s a sign of a great release when you are so captivated by the story that you click on the link to listen to the music.

When I say “no fluff,” I do not mean that I have no personality. It’s important to use the third-person but also to let your brand voice come through. People are drawn to personalities. No one wants to read an academic-sounding press release.

You can brag!

Do not be afraid to brag in your press release. Include any achievements, such as playing with famous acts, attending festivals, or doing anything cool and worth talking about. You can share your wins, as they will help you to stand out.

You may feel that you haven’t much to brag about (yet) if you are a newbie. It’s okay to brag. You could, for example, say that you performed a “full” sold-out show or that you “treated fans to an all-covers show with their most requested songs.” Or you could tell the truth. Voila!

It’s impossible to assume that the professional who is reviewing your press release will know what you have accomplished. Let them know what you’ve done. It’ll help you convey your angle.

Hire someone to write for you if you don’t know how.

It is important. Some people believe they can write their bios or press releases on their own. However, they may not be very good writers. That’s okay! It’s okay! You’re a musician; you can’t be an expert in everything. Leave the rest to the writers. Hire a publicist or ask a friend to help you.

It is important to consider how you tell the story and whether it is engaging or not.

Final Thoughts

It may seem more entertaining to browse TikTok a hundred times than to create a press release for your next release of music or to add to your EPK, but it is actually one of the most important things you can do to advance your music career.

A well-crafted release can be used in a variety of ways, and it will put you in front of many different opportunities in the industry. This will help build your career. Enjoy telling your story and your music. Take your time.

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