Many times, we hear all the reasons you should concentrate on your music. Dedicate your life to a single pursuit. Be a monomaniac!

Rarely do we hear the other side. There are good reasons for focusing, but I think there are also very good ones to pursue several passions at once.

This is a must-read for musicians who have multiple passions. How to excel in each of your passions while juggling them.

Take action with urgency.

Dan Kennedy is a marketing expert whose work I am devoted to. This may not be relevant to you, but it is necessary for context.

Kennedy said that most people think successful people do things in the same orderly, sequential fashion we were taught at school, crossing Ts and dotting i’s.

Kennedy says that’s categorically wrong. People who are successful move many projects forward quickly. The key word here is urgency.

Imagine this: Most artists are caught up in analysis paralysis, and they end up doing Nothing. This stalls their momentum and puts them behind.

What are you doing to advance your project today? If you want to achieve great things, don’t wait for tomorrow or next week. Do it today!

One small step

It’s safe to say that I’ve had many mentors. Many of them were distant. Kevin Trudeau is controversial, but I have learned a lot from him.

Trudeau said that there are usually three things to do in order to advance a project on any given day.

Start a conversation. This is, in my experience, one of the most important things to do for any project. Speak to people. Ask questions. Ask questions. No matter how awkward it is, make requests. Be authentic if it is embarrassing.

Research. Read. Listen. Watch. You can save articles to read later. Don’t fall into analysis paralysis. This is supposed to be fast! Five minutes is all it takes.

Document. Note down things you need to do, people to contact, or research. With pen and paper, put everything into existence. Otherwise, it’s gone.

You may even be dedicating the majority of your day to them. Some of them may take up the majority of your time.

To progress in all other areas, you only need to do one small thing daily. It’s not easy, but it is simple!

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Find commonalities

This was taught to me by one of my mentors. Instead of trying to minimize or focus your project load, he said, “look for the connections between each project.” This gave me a whole new perspective.

On a macro level, I see that I can do most of my work at a computer. I can produce music, write, make podcasts and videos, develop websites, and create graphics. I don’t have to commute and can do all my work from the same place. This saves me a lot of time.

On a smaller scale, I see some similarities. Every new business that I start requires social media management and Search engine optimization (SEO), as well as content creation. You may think that digital marketing is unrelated to music, but it’s not.

Because I have several projects, I don’t need to worry about the amount of work I can assign.

Timebox your schedule

Since 2019, I’ve taken several intensive leadership programs. One of my coaches showed me how to master my schedule. Timeboxing in productivity is a well-known concept, but Eyal speaks on the topic very clearly. You can read his article to get more details.

Do you use a digital calendar? You might want to consider getting one. Google Calendar is what I use myself.

It’s simple. The idea is simple. It is important to note that each hour must be recorded. Your calendar should be filled with no gaps.

You can schedule meals, breaks, meditation, and exercise. I do that. The rest of my schedule is filled with calls, meetings, and specific tasks to meet deadlines.

Through trial and error, I have learned that labeling the activity is extremely important. My journaling is marked as “10X time,” and my writing is marked as “Wealth building Writing.” You will get what you want. This makes a big difference!

You won’t get it right every time.

You’re not living on the edge of expansion if you are checking off your to-do list and fulfilling all your commitments. You are not living at the edge of growth!

It doesn’t allow us to put off our responsibility. It would be best if you started a conversation as soon as you realize you won’t be able to attend a meeting on time or complete a task in a timely manner. ).

Living on the edge of growth forces you to innovate. Whom could you hire or partner with? Whom could you partner or collaborate with? You could ask someone to help you with your laundry and dishes.

Here, creativity is the key. Perfection is not your goal. You’re going to mess up if you pursue multiple passions at once. The key is urgency.

When you let go of perfectionist thinking, you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

Final Thoughts

Almost certainly, multiple passions will mean a full schedule and sacrifices. You may not always have a good time, but you can’t avoid it if your passion is to think.

There are no guarantees. It’s not about making money when you pursue your passions. The process is about who you become.

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