You may already be familiar with the importance of an EPK or email lists. But when it comes to getting press coverage, it can seem a little mysterious, even if you have hired a press agent before.

In my eight years as a publicist, I have encountered a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about what the press can do and how it can be used to enhance a marketing strategy. Press can be an extremely powerful tool when used correctly.

What you should know to make the most of your press coverage

All press is not created equal

It’s not true that big names like Pitchfork or Rolling Stone are more important than smaller publications. Not all media will be equally valuable to you. It means that sometimes smaller outlets can be more practical.

In the PR world, it’s well-known that smaller bands are less likely to receive quality social media coverage or writing. It’s cool to be mentioned in a blog, but the writing is usually lacking in imagination. It can be frustrating not to have the ability to get press quotes or have rave reviews for your EPK. And, worst of all, social media platforms rarely feature smaller bands. It’s easy to miss a “big” review due to the lack of color and mentions off-site.

This may be cool, but the traffic generated by this is not as high as, for example, being featured in a blog or podcast that has a dedicated fan base who will dive deep into your release and share it with their followers on social media.

Repurpose your Press Coverage

We see coverage going live; an artist promotes the piece once, and then it is forgotten. It’s a waste of time and press. You can reuse it in many different ways over time. Here are some options:

A TikTok/reel showing your reaction to an amazing piece of news with the quote moving over the screen while playing a popular song is a good way to repurpose the content and catch the eye of new and old fans.

Carousel Post: You can create a carousel with the quote, another quote from the same article, the reviewer logo, or a thank you! on the last slide. Tag the media outlet. Add your personality to the Canva template by adding your band’s colors and personality.

Your EPK should always include strong quotes from your artist’s EPK. It is a great advantage to have PR because someone else will do the talking for you. This gives a statement a great deal more credibility, and that goes a very long way. Throw that quote into your EPK.

In your pitch emails/press releases/bio/OneSheet: Basically, anywhere that you want to brag on yourself, include this quote. This could be in an email sent to the press to show them that others are talking about it. Include it in your musician’s bio. This will show how others are hearing your music. You can also include it in a OneSheet that you send to booking agents. Let them know what outlets think of you!

Try them all and see which ones get the best response from your fans.

A professional electronic press kit integrated into your website will grab the attention of the media and industry. Create your Onesheet today with Bandzoogle!

Expand coverage

You can continue to reach out to the same audience by utilizing press placements. If Infectious Magazine (my old blog RIP) covers your band, don’t hesitate to reach out to them again after a successful coverage to offer to collaborate on another project. If they did a great job with an interview, then why not offer to do a live show or Reel using your song on their site?

You can also request coverage for your future singles from the same outlets that covered your first. You’ll be in front of the audience more than once, and people will start to recognize you. The audience might not realize that the blog is the same, but it will be familiar to them. They will click on the link and listen.

The press is not what it once was.

In the eight years I have been a publicist, the press coverage has changed dramatically. The game is no longer what it was. In the past, you could put an indie band onto a well-known site and get a lot of attention. Unfortunately, this is not enough. This can be an excellent stepping-stone, but it’s not enough to grow a following. Get creative and open-minded about your approach to press coverage. In our press campaigns, we also include influencer placements using nano-influencers. This has been an excellent way to increase our artists’ digital presence.

To do this, I suggest collaborating with nano-influencers. (Under 10k followers is a good number if you are still growing). You can use previous press clips to show them the kind of traction that you have already achieved.

Continue to grow your business by using your press.

Every piece of media is a step towards your next move. Celebrate if your single has received press from small outlets but contains some great quotes. It’s awesome. The next time, you can try to reach out to bigger blogs, podcasts, or influencers using the previous material and, hopefully, press interest in order for you to secure more opportunities. Then, you can continue.

The press can be used to find opportunities such as management, interest in labels, or booking shows. This established proof of your interest shows that you are growing in your career.

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